Fakultní nemocnice v Motole

Motol University Hospital

Serving generations

The MUH in numbers

6,493 staff

Working in a prestigious hospital means providing quality specialist healthcare based on the latest treatment methods and procedures to benefit our patients’ health and quality of life.

The MUH in numbers

70,000+ hospital admissions per year

We are a hospital with over 70,000 admissions a year, we deal with both simple and the most demanding patients.

2,231 hospital beds

Our hospital has 2,231 beds.

Motol TV

25. výročí programu léčby vestibulárního schwannomu

Průlomový lék na diabetes odhaluje svůj další potenciál

Klinika dětské a dospělé ortopedie a traumatologie 2. LF UK a FN Motol