The Motol University Hospital is one of the top medical institutions. Both individuals and legal entities can become donors, and contributions are a voluntary act made by anyone who wants to be part of the hospital’s activities and development.
Donations can be made in kind or financial. When accepting a financial donation over CZK 5,000 or any in-kind donation, a written donation agreement must be concluded between the donor and Motol University Hospital (MUH). Donations cannot be sent to the account without an agreement.
- Sample donation agreement – gift in kind (PDF)
- Sample donation agreement – financial gift (PDF)
- Sample donation agreement – gift in kind (bilingual CZ-ENG) (PDF)
- Sample donation agreement – financial gift (bilingual CZ-ENG) (PDF)
Samples of the agreements are also available at the MUH’s Legal Division.
Information: Legal Division, telephone 224 431 098
Financial donations can be sent to the Czech National Bank to the MUH’s bank deposit account.
current account – donations: 50008-17937051/0710
Variable symbol: see the specific account number below
If you wish to make a donation to the MUH but do not have a specific workplace or purpose in mind, please indicate the variable symbol 2100 – the MUH’s joint expenses, or 9999 – the account for donations with no specific purpose. If the donation is related to the coronavirus pandemic, please add the number “17” to the end of the variable symbol, e.g. 210017, 999917.
You can make a financial donation:
- by transfer from your account
- by postal order
- by a cash payment
Thank you so very much for your help.