
The Motol University Hospital is one of the top medical institutions. Both individuals and legal entities can become donors, and contributions are a voluntary act made by anyone who wants to be part of the hospital’s activities and development.

Donations can be made in kind or financial. When accepting a financial donation over CZK 5,000 or any in-kind donation, a written donation agreement must be concluded between the donor and Motol University Hospital (MUH). Donations cannot be sent to the account without an agreement.

Samples of the agreements are also available at the MUH’s Legal Division.
Information: Legal Division, telephone 224 431 098

Financial donations can be sent to the Czech National Bank to the MUH’s bank deposit account.

current account – donations: 50008-17937051/0710

Variable symbol: see the specific account number below

If you wish to make a donation to the MUH but do not have a specific workplace or purpose in mind, please indicate the variable symbol 2100 – the MUH’s joint expenses, or 9999 – the account for donations with no specific purpose. If the donation is related to the coronavirus pandemic, please add the number “17” to the end of the variable symbol, e.g. 210017, 999917.

You can make a financial donation:

  • by transfer from your account
  • by postal order
  • by a cash payment

Thank you so very much for your help.

List of MUH accounts

│ 0001 │ A │ Dept. of Paediatr. Haematol. and Oncol.
│ 0002 │ A │ Dept. of Paediatr. – 3 B
│ 0010 │ A │ Hospital Director
│ 0011 │ A │ Training Centre
│ 0012 │ A │ Quality and Org. Div.
│ 0014 │ A │ Investment Department
│ 0015 │ A │ Preventive Medical Care (PMC).
│ 0016 │ A │ Head Nurse
│ 0018 │ A │ Dept. of Low Voltage Systems
│ 0040 │ A │ Department of Transport
│ 0071 │ A │ Department of Technical Activities
│ 0073 │ A │ Department of Dormitories
│ 0079 │ A │ Department of Medical Technology
│ 0085 │ A │ Department of Liaison with Health Insurers
│ 0100 │ A │ “100” years of the Czech Children’s Hospital
│ 0101 │ A │ Separate Educational Department
│ 0109 │ A │ Milk Kitchen Department
│ 0110 │ A │ Social Department
│ 0111 │ A │ Trade Department
│ 0138 │ A │ Purchasing Division
│ 0150 │ A │ Section of the Deputy for PMC – Children’s Division
│ 2100 │ A │ MUH – Joint Expenses
│ 2101 │ A │ 1st Internal Medicine Dept. – Adults
│ 2110 │ A │ Department of Hepatitis Inf.
│ 2115 │ A │ Dept. of Pneumology Dept. -TRI
│ 2118 │ A │ Dept. of Neurology- Adults
│ 2119 │ A │ Dept. of Paediatric Neurology
│ 2121 │ A │ Dept. of Paediatric Psych..
│ 2122 │ A │ Dept. of Paediatric Psych. – Autism
│ 2126 │ A │ Paediatric Dept. (1st Children’s Dept.)
│ 2128 │ A │ Dept. of Cardiac Surgery – adults
│ 2129 │ A │ Children’s Cardiac Centre
│ 2130 │ A │ Dept. of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
│ 2131 │ A │ Dept. of Gynaecology for Children and Adults
│ 2132 │ A │ Dept. of Gynaecological Oncol.
│ 2133 │ A │3rd Department of Surgery
│ 2134 │ A │ Department of Surgery – Adults
│ 2135 │ A │ Department of Surgery – Children
│ 2136 │ A │ Department of Spondylosurgery
│ 2137 │ A │ Department of Traumatology
│ 2139 │ A │ Dept. of Cardiology – Adults
│ 2140 │ A │ Dept. of Children’s Neurosurgery
│ 2141 │ A │ Department of Neurosurgery – Adults
│ 2142 │ A │ Department of Anaesthesia, Resusc. and Intensive Care Medicine – KARIM
│ 2144 │ A │ Dept. of Paed. Orthopaedics
│ 2145 │ A │ Dept. of Orthopaedics
│ 2146 │ A │ 1st Orthopaedic Dept.
│ 2147 │ A │ Dept. of Urology – Adults
│ 2150 │ A │ Pain Treatment and Research Centre
│ 2152 │ A │ Otolaryngology (ENT) – Adults
│ 2154 │ A │ Otolaryngology (ENT) – Paediatric
│ 2158 │ A │ Children’s Eye Dept.
│ 2160 │ A │ Children’s Dental Dept.
│ 2164 │ A │ Dermatovenerology Dept.
│ 2166 │ A │ Radiotherapy Department
│ 2170 │ A │ Radioisotope Department
│ 2173 │ A │ Rehabilitation Dept. – Spinal Unit.
│ 2191 │ A │ Emergency Department – Adults
│ 2194 │ A │ Emergency Department and Medical First Aid Service for Children
│ 2197 │ A │ Newborns – IRCU
│ 2222 │ A │ Centre for Assisted Reproduction
│ 2227 │ A │ Paediatric Dept. – Allergies
│ 2230 │ A │ Gyn. – Adv. Dept. – Postoperative
│ 3100 │ A │ Department of Physical Medicine
│ 3110 │ A │ Care Centre for Foreigners
│ 3111 │ A │ Department of Clinical Psychology
│ 3156 │ A │ Otolaryngology – Dr Vymlátilová
│ 3158 │ A │ Visual Impairment Centre
│ 3180 │ A │ Department of Gen. Medicine 2 (Dr Macek)
│ 3182 │ A │ Institute of Biology and Medical Genetics
│ 3183 │ A │ Children’s Policlinic.
│ 3121 │ A │ Department of Paediatric and Adult Rheumatology
│ 4444 │ A │ “OXANA” Account
│ 4601 │ A │ Long-stay hospital – LSH 1
│ 4602 │ A │ Long-stay hospital – LSH 2
│ 7001 │ A │ Gyn. – Adv. Centre – ICU
│ 7002 │ A │ Gyn. – Adv. Centre- Conserv. Dept.
│ 7003 │ A │ Dept. of Paediatrics – immunogen. lab.
│ 7004 │ A │ Gyn. – Adv. Centre – Postpartum Dept.
│ 7005 │ A │ Gyn. – Adv. Centre – Senology
│ 7006 │ A │ Gyn. – Adv. Centre – Operating Room
│ 7007 │ A │ Dept. of Paediatric Surgery – Nurses
│ 7008 │ A │ Dept. of Paediatrics – Dr Pohunek
│ 7009 │ A │ Voluntary and Psychosocial Programmes
│ 7010 │ A │ Gyn. – Adv. Centre – Risk Dept.
│ 7011 │ A │ Paed. Neurosurg. – instrumentation.
│ 7012 │ A │ Neonatology certificates – Dr Čihař
│ 7013 │ A │ Neurosurgery – Adults
│ 7014 │ A │ Cl. D. haemat. – The Rainbow Energy Foundation.
│ 7016 │ A │ Quiet Room-deputy for nursing care
│ 7017 │ A │ Institute of Immunol. – Clin. Centre for Vac. Research
│ 7018 │ A │ Comprehensive Care Centre for Children
│ 7019 │ A │ Support for Development Aid (child card.)
│ 7020 │ A │ ČP Foundation – Children’s cardio
│ 7777 │ A │ Reconstr. children’s teach. hosp. DFN
│ 8001 │ A │ Prague City Hall (PCH) Subsidy MUDr Kašparová
│ 8002 │ A │ PCH Subsidy PhDr Vymlátilová
│ 8003 │ A │ PCH Subsidy Dr Řehořová
│ 8005 │ A │ PCH Subsidy MUDr Machovcová
│ 8888 │ A │ Paediatric neurosurgery
│ 9901 │ A │ Dept. of Clinical Biochem., Virol.
│ 9910 │ A │ Department of Clinical Haematology
│ 9911 │ A │ Blood Bank
│ 9915 │ A │ Central. Radio-diagnostics Dept.
│ 9916 │ A │ Radiology Dept. (KZM)
│ 9930 │ A │ Rehabilitation Dept.
│ 9940 │ A │ Institute of Pathol. and Molecular Medicine
│ 9970 │ A │ Department of Medical Microbiology
│ 9972 │ A │ Immunology Laboratory
│ 9973 │ A │ Central Operating Theatres
│ 9975 │ A │ Social Department
│ 9978 │ A │ Transplant Centre
│ 9979 │ A │ Institutional Pharmacy
│ 9986 │ A │ Department of Cons. Health. Material
│ 9999 │ A │ Donations with no specification